The Disorder Disorder
It seems today everyone is pointing fingers and fewer are taking responsibility for their own actions. In recent years the medical world has crafted a disorder to fit almost any person and their challenges. It is becoming rare for a person to not to be labeled as something these days and I feel this is a disservice to everyone. For years we have heard about ADD, ADHD, Autism and hyperactivity. When I was a kid it was rare to meet anyone with these disorders and even more rare to know a child being medicated for them. Now most children seem to be getting tagged with these disorders and medicating them is not unusual at all!
You might be asking where I am going with this, so I will get right into that. What these labels do is take away accountability for ones actions. If a person knows they have a disorder and that people expect them to not do well in certain areas of life they will have no reason to overcome that hurtle! So many times I have heard parents say “It’s ok, it’s just his ADD”. When a kid hears this it sends a message, green light on operation “whatever I want”. Another common problem with these labels is that once a person is told that they cannot overcome something or control a certain aspect of their life for so long they eventually believe it and stop trying.
My best advice is if you have a child suffering from a disorder is do not let that disorder become their crutch! Encourage them to overcome these labels and prove the doctors wrong. Keep them busy with activities rich in both physical and mental stimulation, try to give them a proper diet of nutritious foods and most of all hold them accountable for their actions both good and bad. I work with children every day and I do not feel that they are any different than the ones I knew when I was a kid, the only difference is that we did not know we were challenged and had no excuses!
Can we help your child be accountable, fit in with their peers and never make excuses, even if they are earned? Reserve a free trial to start your journey and success story!